Empires of the Ascended is a 3D animated film adaptation of the collectible card game, Legends of Runeterra, featuring beloved Champions and the desert world of Shurima to promote a game expansion.
Our challenge was introducing powerful demigods while keeping the story grounded. Partnering with Star Trek: Prodigy director Ben Hibon and UNIT IMAGE, we crafted a tale of a human emissary sent by the demigod Azir to retrieve an ancient relic and survive a clash of titans in a hidden lair.
Inspired by Indiana Jones and Stargate, the film captures high adventure in Shurima’s beautiful yet perilous desert.
The result? Boosted expansion sales, immersive storytelling integrated with the game, and positive reception from the League of Legends community.
Concept Art
Agency: Legends of Runeterra Publishing
Director: Ben Hibon
Animation: UNIT IMAGE
Art: Riot Games, Kudos Productions, Six More Vodka